Undergraduate scholarships and bursaries

We are committed to attracting the brightest and best students regardless of background and have a generous package of undergraduate scholarships and bursaries available.

To give you an idea of what’s on offer, the table below outlines the support for new undergraduates starting at Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é. If there is a reduction in the tuition fee, the University may also reduce the value of the bursaries it awards. Therefore please check the latest information before applying.

Bursary and Scholarship schemes for 2025/26

Some financial awards may be combined, allowing students to receive multiple awards simultaneously. However, certain awards cannot be combined; in such cases, students will receive the higher-value award.

Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é financial support

Support What is it? Who's it for? How much?
Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é Bursary  Cash bursary depending upon household income. Support is also available for foundation year and extended undergraduate Master’s degree students. UK students* from household incomes up to £30,000

£1,000 per year of study (with additional £500 pre-placement grant)

Opportunity Scholarships Cash bursary funded through donations from alumni and friends of the University for UK students from areas of low Higher Education participation.

UK students*

Up to 50 new scholarships are available annually. 

Priority is given to students completing our LUDUS or Realising Opportunities progressive access programmes, and have a verified household income up to £30,000.

£3,000 per year for three years of study
Care Leaver Bursary  Cash bursary for care leavers 

UK students*

A Care Leaver is defined as a young person who has been in care for at least 13 weeks since the age of 14.

£5,700 per year for three years of study (with additional £500 pre-placement grant).
International Scholarships Self-funded international students are automatically considered for this scholarship. International students 25% off first-year tuition fees
Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é Sanctuary Scholarship Scholarship for international students whose home is located in a region of conflict/war. International students

100% off the course fees for your chosen your chosen undergraduate degree for 3 years

Sports Scholarships Supporting talented student athletes (competing to at least junior international level) with sporting and academic development. UK and International students Up to £5,000 per year, depending on sport and performance level
Performance Programme Bursary Cash bursary for athletes representing Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é in the British Universities & Colleges Sport (BUCS) competition as part of our performance programmes. UK students* £1,000 paid in three equal instalments across the year (reviewed annually)
Mature Athlete Bursary Cash bursary for mature athletes representing Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é in the British Universities & Colleges Sport (BUCS) competition. UK students* £1,000 paid in three equal instalments across the year (reviewed annually)
Athlete with a Disability Bursary Cash bursary for athletes with a disability representing Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é in the British Universities & Colleges Sport (BUCS) competition. UK students* £1,000 paid in three equal instalments across the year (reviewed annually)
Arts Scholarships and Music Tuition

Arts and music scholarships award for talented students.

Subsidised music lessons for any student.

UK and International students

Minimum of five arts and music scholarships for any current student with a cash prize and potential for additional funding. 

Music tuition is available across a range of instruments at a subsidised student rate.

Supporting women applying for Maths or Science subjects to help them develop as future scientists working in industry or academia. UK and International students £1,000 per year for every year of study (excluding placement year if applicable)
Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é Bursary for Unpaid Placements (LBUP) Cash bursary for current students undertaking unpaid work-based placements in line with eligibility criteria.

UK students*

Up to 45 bursaries are available annually. 

Priority is given to students with a verified household income up to £30,000 or from Black African, Caribbean or South Asian heritage.

A maximum of £3,667 for the placement year (full amount available upon completion of a minimum 25 weeks of eligible unpaid placement/s).
Access and Participation Support Fund

Awards, through competitive application, for current students based on eligibility criteria and students’ statement of need.

Support is also available for foundation year or extended undergraduate Master’s degree students.

UK students*


Current students identified as being at risk of equality of opportunity.

Up to £2,000 per student per year.

Students may submit multiple applications up to the above total amount in any one year.


Hardship Fund Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é also offers a Hardship Fund, providing a few awards to current students who are experiencing severe financial hardship. UK and International students Variable

* Not available to students from Wales, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. 

External financial support

Please note, this support is offered by external parties and not by the University. We are in no way affiliated with these companies, and have only listed them here as guidance to what support is available to university students.

SupportFind out more
Displaced Students Opportunities
Student Enablement fund for disabled students