
Leicestershire, UK
LE11 3TU
+44 (0)1509 222222


Lost and found

Image showing a bunch of keys,gloves and bag

All lost property found on the University is forwarded to Security. Items are registered and held for a maximum of 1 Week unless the item is electronical e.g. laptops and mobiles telephones in which case these items will be kept for 1 month. If they are not collected after this they are given to charity or disposed of.

Lost Property

If you would like to report a lost item please complete the following form and email to

Lost Property Form

Found Property

If you have found any lost property please complete the following form and submit it to the Security building together with the item.

Found Property Form


Contact us

Security control room

01509 222141

For all parking enquires


888 (internal)

0800 526966 (Freephone)