IAS Seminar: Using oesophageal balloon catheters to measure respiratory muscle function
- 14 February 2024
- 12pm-1pm
Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS) Visiting Fellow Viviana Shiffman MSc will deliver a seminar on their research titled 'Using oesophageal balloon catheters to measure respiratory muscle function: the how and why'.
Viviana Shiffman will present a unique approach involving the utilisation of an oesophageal balloon catheter - an instrument that measures oesophageal and gastric pressures along with electromyography of the diaphragm. The present methodology provides distinct advantages in data collection and measurement of physiological variables. The application of this technique in exercise physiology research will be elucidated, highlighting its potential contributions to advancing our understanding of the respiratory system.
For those joining in person, lunch will be served after the seminar from 1pm.
Contact and booking details
- Name
- Kieran Teasdale
- Email address
- ias@lboro.ac.uk
- Cost
- Free
- Booking required?
- Yes